With laser and light technology development happening at such a fast pace, Dr. Hirsch urges all patients to make certain that they work with a board-certified dermatologist experienced in laser therapy to ensure proper safety with treatment. Never be afraid to ask your physician about their training and qualifications, or what their experience is with a particular procedure or device. Since any type of procedure can carry potential side effects, it is crucial to entrust your face and body only to qualified, experienced hands.
We are proud to offer a wide variety of lasers for laser skin resurfacing. Each option performs best for different types of patients and his or her needs. The main differences in the lasers available depend on the treatment you require. The latest in resurfacing is the concept of fractional resurfacing. This novel fractional approach to laser skin treatment represents a new science and category of cosmetic skin treatments that offers patients the positive results of more traditional resurfacing methods with the lunchtime elegance of a minimal-downtime procedure. This innovative approach is specially designed to alter only fractional volumes of the target tissue. Similar to digital alteration of photographs and paintings, the clinical effect of this treatment technique is to alter the appearance of aging and sun-damaged skin. The creation of tiny micro-wounds results in a microscopic wound healing process and resultant formation of new collagen fibers.