With laser and light technology development happening at such a fast pace, Dr. Hirsch urges all patients to make certain that they work with a board-certified dermatologist experienced in laser therapy to ensure proper safety with treatment. Never be afraid to ask your physician about their training and qualifications, or what their experience is with a particular procedure or device. Since any type of procedure can carry potential side effects, it is crucial to entrust your face and body only to qualified, experienced hands.
Over the last several years, laser surgery has taken a larger role in the treatment of acne scars. Older techniques emphasized ablating the upper layers of skin. More recently, techniques involving non-ablative lasers (devices that do not disturb the skin's surface) are leading the way because of their unique ability to stimulate new collagen growth beneath scars without creating external injury on the skin's surface. While the results are less dramatic than older methods, substantial improvement can be seen. Given the variety of choices we have available in our offices, we can customize the treatment of your scars with several novel devices. These are FDA-approved devices which often work together better than any single device to optimize your final results. Dr. Hirsch is a recognized leader in optimizing treatment protocols with these devices apart and in combination and can offer these unique talents to you in our comfortable practice environment.