Cosmetic Dermatology
Acne Injections

With new cosmetic developments occurring at such a fast pace, Dr. Hirsch urges all patients to make certain that they work with an experienced, board-certified dermatologist to ensure proper safety with treatment. Never be afraid to ask your physician about their training and qualifications, or what their experience is with a particular procedure or device. Since any type of procedure can carry potential side effects, it is crucial to entrust your face and body only to qualified, experienced hands.

Ever wonder why dermatologists never have a pimple before a big event? They do but they have the secrets needed to disguise it. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication that can be used to rapidly shrink large pimples or sporadic breakouts. When diluted and injected into a large pimple, it treats inflammation associated with the acne breakout. This is particularly beneficial if done the day before a big event.